Halloween Pillows
If you didn’t know Halloween was my favorite holiday…then you don’t know me!!! I LOVE HALLOWEEN, and I’m a little obsessed with pillows. I like taking cute ideas and building upon them. For example. I love quilting…I love pillows…I love my silhouette cameo…add it all together and you have a whole bunch of really awesome pillows.

I made this first pillow a couple years ago. It has a black ruffle, and the witch silhouette is cut out of velvet fabric. I added a rhinestone necklace (which was a scrap I had from my wedding veil I made years ago). It’s always nice to reuse old things in meaningful ways.

I love how my witch’s boot turned out. Hindsights 20/20, but if I could do it over, I would have made it twice as large. I added green cording for the laces, and I used jingle bells to hold the cording in place. If you look closely…I added a little bit of bling just because I can…they have a purple rhinestone attached to each jingle bell. The colorful squares are scraps I pieced together, and the cording is a purple silk.

I made this owl a few years ago out of scraps. My little girls love it. I just drew an owl pattern, and stuffed it with batting. I added a baggie of rice to the bottom to make it weighted. It sits perfectly on the shelf.

This Halloween pillow is really fun! I custom designed the scene using glitter iron-on black vinyl and decals from the silhouette store. I love the phrase “Something wicked this way comes.” I custom made an iron rod sign with my last name, and we used rhinestones to add a little sparkle to the scene. The pumpkins hanging from the tree, and the moon in the sky are buttons from Michaels. They fit perfectly!

I love this one. It’s a little cheesy, but it suits me and my man perfectly. The phrase is mine…I came up with it all by myself, “Undying Love, Yours in Eternal Rest!” Awesome right! It has my husband and my initials on it. The skeleton heads are decals from the silhouette store. I love this halloween pillow…it’s so romantic..and spooky…and cheesy!!!

Who doesn’t love the movie Hocus Pocus! This is one of my favorite all time classics. For me, Halloween is all about the feelings it brings! Fun, Family, and Friends!!!!! and of course…every year we have to watch the movie Hocus Pocus. I added rhinestones here and there to bling out this Halloween Pillow!

These are all so adorable!! I think my favorite is the witch silhouette with rhinestone choker!! Your creativity is inspiring!!