It’s DIY MONTH—you’re trapped in your house, and there are endless things you want to renovate in your home. Don’t worry, you have a tax return coming, you just need a few ideas of how to do those home renovation projects on a shoe string budget. FEAR NOT, Ive got some ideas coming your way. For the next few weeks I will be sharing some of my own home renovation projects I have done throughout the years. Stay tuned, and turn off the news—HA! In this video, I talk about how the small town I live in made national news, and guess what, they told a “different” version of events here in my town, misleading to say the least. It’s all in the eye of the beholder…but as an actual resident, I can’t wait to return to business as usual (I don’t know what they’re talking about). Misery loves company and a headline, and people like to get other people riled up. One more reason to turn off the news.