In this article, The Everything Housewife, a REAL WITCH, will take you through “The Witch’s Checklist” so that you yourself can determine whether or not you meet the criteria for being called by the title of ‘WITCH!” Enjoy this, the third article in her ongoing “History of Halloween” series!
The Everything Housewife is the author of the children’s “Realm of Halloween” book series, and the ongoing, “History of Halloween” article series. The Everything Housewife takes her readers into The Realm of Halloween where they discover their own “light within.” Her stories combine poetic imagery with beautiful morals where the lesson learned is always about becoming who you were meant to be.
By: The Everything Housewife
Misconceptions have existed for centuries surrounding the history of WITCHES! A good study of history will reveal that most women accused of the sinister side of these forces were actually healers and miracle workers that operated under the ancient knowledge and sacred practices of their female forbearers and ancestors.
These women, who bore the title of WITCH throughout the course of history, were burned at the stake, tormented, and outcast from communities because of their odd abilities to heal the sick, cleanse dark spaces of evil energies, and make magical things happen at their very word. The organized knowledge their female sex possessed was passed down through the generations actually giving birth to covens of wise and prudent female students and teachers who could put their KNOWLEDGE INTO ACTION—an ability that the rest of the world would only “see” as MAGIC!
Would you like to call yourself a witch? Well, anyone can CALL themselves anything, but to BE a REAL WITCH, YOU MUST MEET A CERTAIN CRITERIA. Now, let us begin!
Do you have knowledge of HERBS, their usage, as well as ANCIENT HEALING practices?
Have you ever heard of a witch’s brew? Well, look no further than a pot of herbs and medicinal concoctions boiling over a black cauldron to heal the sick and afflicted—but to know what to use in any particular instance, you would have to be trained in the art and knowledge of herbs grown right in your own “backyard.”
The recipe for healing WAS IN the ritual, or song your grandmother taught you, (in other words, THE SPELL you were chanting over your cauldron)! Ever heard of hyssop over doorways or sage to clear a room, or even yarrow for which “no man can wound” you? (SOURCE). Well, all these herbs have their medicinal properties, and many ancient cultures paired them with ritual and song to keep the healing powers of the herb visible AND hidden in plain sight. Do YOU know what to add to that big, black, boiling pot AND when to use it? Make one mistake though, and you wind up killing rather than healing, SO FALSE WITCHES BEWARE!
Can you CLEAN A HOUSE, both literally and spiritually?
Ever wonder why witches carry brooms? A broom does more than just clean a house, however, a GOOD WITCH will use it for both house cleaning and spiritual cleaning! I hope you, of course, consider yourself to be one of those GOOD WITCHES!
Witch brooms, also known as besoms, were used anciently in marriage customs and fertility rites. So, the woman of the house not only cleaned the house that she managed AND lived in with her broom, she also cleaned unwelcome and harmful spiritual energies from that space. Its symbolic shape also visually “looked” like the male and female symbols in the marriage relationship of man and wife.
True witches learn that the role as wife and mother is most effectively executed when they have not only literally, but spiritually cleaned their own house. Because if momma ain’t happy, NOBODY’s happy! Can you use a broom stick?
Do you mean what you say and say what you mean, so that your words have clarity and can BECOME REALITY?
The key to casting a good spell is saying what you mean and meaning what you say so that your words can BECOME REALITY. Intention is everything! Why, you ask? Because your intentions become REALITY, and your ability to clearly SPEAK that reality determines whether or not WHAT YOU SAY IN THE SPELL YOU CAST will actually come to life.
A witch that can CLEARLY SPEAK those INTENTIONS in the SPELL that she CASTS is a witch that will literally make things happen. A good witch will have good intentions and she will clearly communicate that in the spells she casts. What she says will come to life! In other words, she puts her money where her mouth is. Can you back up what you say? I hope you’re a straight shooter, or meticulous spell- caster, or steady broom-stick-rider…whichever phrase you prefer!
Are you connected to a DIVINE SOURCE of POWER?
Close your eyes and visualize with me now. I want you to visualize the image of a witch riding on a broom stick high in the sky in front of a full harvest moon! Can you see it? Do you “see” THAT witch flying between the heavens AND the earth? Well of course you do, because in every single picture of a witch flying in the night sky, the earth is below them and the heavens are above them—they fly between the two. Also, conveniently against the symbol of a harvest moon (which the symbol of the moon was, anciently, connected to the timing of fertility rites and women’s menstrual cycles).
These WITCHES had power BECAUSE they WERE WOMEN in every sense of the word. They flew between heaven and earth because they were connected to THAT DIVINE SOURCE that created them. Can you fly between heaven and earth? Are YOU the CONNECTION between the two? Any good witch will be!
Before any old (or young) gal can call herself a witch, she must not just complete the Witch’s Checklist listed above, but BECOME it. Not just any old hag can become a witch! To be called by the name and title of witch, certain criteria must be met, and REAL WITCHES must have actual skill and knowledge that they can PUT INTO ACTION.
Operating under false pretenses of claiming to be a witch, when you really are not a witch, just gives us real witches a bad name and a bad reputation—you know, that same reputation we’ve been trying to over come for years (History of Salem Witch Trials). Now that you’ve ventured with me into the world of REAL WITCHES, can YOU complete The Witch’s Checklist?