This white chenille sofa is still one of the most difficult DIY projects I have ever tackled to date, but OH, it came out so lovely! I reupholstered this sofa over 7 years ago, and to date, it is still one of the most difficult DIY projects I have ever tackled. I was so afraid to start this project because I hadn’t “mentally” processed how it was supposed to be finished in my mind from beginning to end. I truly think that it is THAT fear that prevents us from ever attempting projects.
This is a project that I am so glad I made the attempt to complete. What a challenge, and what an experience! I blew my own mind on this one. The biggest fears are always the mental ones, and if you can just have courage to make an “attempt,” you will overcome that fear before you know it.

BEFORE of my Sofa, and my baby

This is a before photograph of my sofa. It was a lovely ‘doo doo” brown color, that was actually really in style at the time I purchased them, and honestly, I loved these sofas. They lasted a long time, and the dark brown color hid the dirt well. So, as you can imagine, what happens when it’s time to reupholster a sofa, and you have had a dark brown sofa for years? You do the exact opposite and go for a white chenille fabric!!!!!!

I purposely chose to do a two-toned looks with a slightly darker taupe cushion, because I knew that simply, sitting on a white sofa could stain it–and in the end that was a wise choice. Even brand new blue jeans can leave a residue on light colored furniture. To tie in the taupe sofa, I used a white piping. The subtle contrast was beautiful.