This past weekend we celebrated my daughter’s birthday Party, and we let the kids roll out the door for their own pizza! This pizza crust is one of the easiest and most versatile crusts. I use it to make grilled pizza, but it can also be used on a greased cookie sheet or baked on parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Either way, its a great homemade crust. I tripled this recipe for the party, and made it into about 10 dough balls. Each of the kids went to town creating their own pizza.

We use a large pizza spatula specifically designed for grilling. My husband ALSO grills this pizza on our smoker grill—the Traeger. He turns the heat up to high, and cooks away. The Traeger doesn’t have an “OPEN” flame and so it doesn’t cook at as high of a heat as a regular gas grill, but you still get that smoky flavor with a crispy crust. So, if you’re cooking on a gas grill, you probably want to crank the heat down to medium, maybe even medium-low. Also, spray your grill with oil so the pizza’s don’t still. In addition, roll the dough out thin–it always tastes better that way.

I have used BBQ flavored pizza sauce, globs of cream cheese with chives, dabs of ricotta, chorizo, as well as fresh arugula (right after it comes out of the oven)! Get creative with your toppings. This would even be a fun “couples night” things to do at a your house for a party!

2 cups all purpose flour,
extra flour for kneading (so it doesn’t stick to the counter)
1 cup warm water
1 tsp. rapid rise yeast
1 tsp. salt
1 T olive oil.
Optional–Fresh Herbs and Garlic
Add flour, yeast, salt. Mix in blender, Then add water while the mixer is on, and then add oil. Mix until dough gets a smooth consistency. Remove From Blender and Knead. Separate into personalized balls and roll out flat with greased rolling pin. Grill on your Traeger at high heat, or your regular gas grill on a med-low heat. Make sure you “grease” your grill, and use a Pizza spatula.
If baking on parchment paper in a regular oven–Bake at 550 for about 12 minutes.