Hot Little Number I almost threw away!
I almost threw this dress project away, and I am so glad I didn’t. I started making this dress nearly two years ago, right in the middle of a move. I thought I could get it done quickly, but of course that wasn’t the case, and I was so frustrated with it. So, I put it in a box. Two years later, I’m cleaning about this “box” and low and behold–there she is! When I pulled it out, I realized that I was a lot further along than I had thought, and I just finished recovering my Dress form (CLICK HERE), and so it was the perfect time to see if it was worth salvaging–and I am so glad I did, it turned out lovely.
Fitting a Dress
I’ve totally changed–shape that is! I’ve lost a few pounds, specifically in my midsection. When I made modification to this dress I took almost 6 inches out of the waist–holy cow! I had a bulging belly, and so it wasn’t just that I had to take inches out of the sides–I had to actually pull up the waist line by several inches (I’m glad because that means my bulge has gone done), but holy cow, it was annoying! But I just had to–the dress looked so different, and had so much sagging down the front.

The sleeves on this dress really made it! I had originally planned to make cap sleeves, but I had scraps of the fabric laying around, and I very simply picked one up, and pinned it to the dress–and WOW! It formed a perfect flounce sleeve, and that was it!!!!! That was all I needed to see! I cut an exact copy of the scrap, and sewed them on! Sometimes it’s just that simple.

My great aunt has been teaching me different kinds of embroidery stitches. EVERYONE that TRULY knows me, knows that I like a little bit of bling. So I took one of the new stitches that I learned, and with gold embroidery thread, I stitched all the way down the backside of the zipper! People don’t always notice individual details, BUT it’s all those individual details in the final package that make people say WOW–I LOVE YOUR DRESS. I wear this baby to church, and I get stopped. I don’t always tell people that I made it, but it sure does make me smile inside and out to know that I did!
Rhinestone Buttons
I really feel like small details in a dress give it a couture feel. Couture gowns and clothing are handmade, and can only be recreated by hand. As I add details, I know that it’s the finish work that will give my design the flair I am looking for! And don’t forget a little sparkle–these rhinestone buttons, and the cut-outs in the front and back of the dress just make for a stunning feature! Thank you Marilyn for the tune I keep on singing, “Diamonds are a girls best friend!”