The Everything Housewife is the author of the children’s “Realm of Halloween” book series, and the ongoing, “History of Halloween” article series. The Everything Housewife takes her readers into The Realm of Halloween where they discover their own “light within.” Her stories combine poetic imagery with beautiful morals where the lesson learned is always about becoming who you were meant to be.
Don’t forget to order your copy of Alora, The Birth of A Good Witch, and “Pumpkin Spice” for your Halloween Children’s Book Collection. Enter the Realm….
If you have ever wondered what is behind the cover of “The Realm of Halloween” children’s book series–you don’t have to wonder any longer! You can watch Pumpkin Spice for free on youtube, instagram, facebook, and you can find a link right here on my website to my FREE VIDEO VERSION OF “PUMPKIN SPICE.” Thank you for being a fan!
Enter The Realm….