Easter Sign DIY Craft Project
This beautiful Easter Sign is fun and easy DIY craft project! The wood sign is stained gray with wood cutouts, mod podge, vinyl lettering, and floral scrap book paper. You will love displaying this beautiful sign in your home with one of the cutest Easter quotes around, “Easter, the only time it’s okay to put all your eggs in one basket.” I hope you enjoy this holiday project. It’s easy to do, and so beautiful!
Easter Sign DIY Craft Project
If you haven’t had a chance to check out my Valentine Wood Sign project, you can view it HERE.
And please take a look because this Easter sign is just the backside of the Valentine sign. It’s just me being thrifty and saving space. The quote is super fun too! “Easter! The only time it’s okay to put all your eggs in one basket!”
Instructions: I got my wood sign at Wood Creations here in Saint George, and I purchased the wood word “Easter” and the wood “egg” at The Wood Connection in Saint George. All these items can be ordered online as well. You should also check amazon and etsy. Very often, these wood cutouts can be ordered on Amazon and shipped right too your door, and then just purchase a wood board from home depot or lowes to use as a sign. I purchased the scrap book paper at Joanns, and then the paint and mod podge can be purchased at any craft store.
- Stain your wood if you already haven’t. Remember….for this project, I am just using the back of my Valentine Wood Sign.
- Trace your wood “easter” and wood “egg” on your scrap book paper and cut out.
- Paint your wood “easter” and “egg” pink.
- Then mod podge your paper to your wood “easter” and ‘egg”
- Apply your cut vinyl quote. (For those of you who cut your own vinyl, or will need it cut, I have included a “template” that can be traced with your software).
- Antique the edges of easter and the egg with a chalk sponge…whatever color you like. See photos for details.
- Hot glue the ribbon on your egg with a bow.
- Glue on your “easter” and “egg” to your wood sign using wood glue.
This is really an easy project, especially if you are using the backside of an already stained sign. For details on staining. Please visit my blog post for DIY WOOD VALENTINE SIGN HERE.