Christmas Is about our Savior, Christ the Lord– Free Printable

At the opening of this holiday season, I try to keep in mind what Christmas is truly about. I have a decorative plate that my mother-in-law gave me that I display every year that says, “The Magic of Christmas is not in the presents, it’s in His Presence.” Nothing rings more true! I know that the Christmas season is so much more meaningful to me when I am focused on my Savior. I can truly feel a flood of emotions when I think about who He is…Wonderful, Redeemer, and Lord of Lords. Those words are so powerful, and yet, they are just words. We truly cannot comprehend the magnitude of His mission, but the Christmas season is certainly a time that we can reflect on everything He was and is.
I had a lot of fun making this printable…and I even shed a tear or two as I reflected on these words. This is a free download from this link ChristtheLordPrintable1. I have a large decorative, white frame that I like to display my printables in. I display the frame where it can be easily seen, and as the year passes, and the holidays change, I just switch them out. It’s a great way to decorate your home while also displaying a thoughtful message. I hope your home is filled with reminders of what this holiday season is truly about!