CLICK HERE to download your FREE Owl Halloween Pattern

This owl halloween pillow was made by my daughter Eliana (she’s only 7), and Me of course. She cut out the paper pattern, as well as the eyes, and nose of the owl. She also sewed the “OPEN SQUARE” stitch around the eyes all by herself. I did all the major sewing on the sewing machine (which only took me about 10 minutes or so). This is an easy project that could be completed in its entirety between mother and daughter in a couple hours or less.
2 Fabric Quarters (Black) for Body
1 Piece White Felt for Eyes
1 Piece Gray Felt for Iris of Eyes
2 Buttons for Pupils
Scrap Fabric for Wings and Beak of Owl
Embroidery Thread and needle to Stitch decorative stitches around the eyes
Iron on Backing (to hold the eyes and nose) in place for stitching
Poly-Fill Stuffing
Small Bag of Rice
Paper Pattern of Owl Body