I have finally decided on a fabric for my Little Black Cocktail Dress that I am working on. It’s a gorgeous back sequin fabric that almost has the appearance of a sequin lace. Sequins are incredibly popular right now, and I can’t wait to see what this dress will be like when I finally start cutting, piecing, and adding beads.
There are lot’s of things to consider when selecting fabric—especially if you are using sequins. Sequins can be challenging to sew on, and so, it is important to consider how much effort and energy will be required to make your dress. Since I will not just be sewing the regular seams into this dress, but also stitching beading on top of the fabric, i want to make sure I take into consideration how much work will be required to sew directly onto the sequin fabric. Because the beading will be overlaid on top of the fabric, I don’t want to make this project any more difficult that I have to. Always keep these details in mind when you are selecting a fabric with sequins, or even beading.

And of course, I just had to record this video wearing this family heirloom dress. If you haven’t read my most recent article, “It’s Not Just The Dress—It’s The Story!” Make sure you take a peak. It’s not just the dress that’s beautiful, but also the story behind it.