I finally made a cover for my Hot Mess of a dress from. I re-padded it with the correct measurements and pinned a rose gold tape to it for measurement lines. People were walking in my house and saying, “what the heck is that thing!” It was time for some beautification!!
Sewing Projects and Sewing Patterns
Easy Tricks for Spooktacular Decor
Sewing Your Own Clothing
Christmas Pillows, DIY
Thanksgiving Pillows-DIY Tutorial, Pumpkin and Turkey Quilt Patterns
A Modest Dress for Mormon Prom–Adding Sleeves to a Strapless Dress
A New Baby and a New Stocking
A new baby and a new stocking Continued…
Turn the pieced-stocking inside out, so that the batting is inside. Then stuff the lining inside the stocking. Pin and […]