An absolute must, but an often disregarded step for new sewers is the step of pressing your garments. Professionals use a tailor’s ham and a tailor’s roll to achieve the best seams on their garment. They also will use a silk organza pressing cloth. This is one of the most important steps in the process. It makes a huge difference in the final result of your garment. Don’t skip this step. Keep following along with me as I work on my Little Black Dress!
A Properly Ironed Seam vs. An Un-ironed Seam!
This is a properly ironed hip seam on my sequin fabric dress versus the other hip seam that is un-ironed. Can you see the difference? I sure can. It’s important to properly press seams, especially when working with a thick, bulky fabric like sequin. It changes the look, from amateur to professional. If you haven’t watched my previous video that teaches you what tools to use to properly press a garment, make sure you take a peak at that. Keep following along with me as I work on my Little Black Dress!